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Specialty Contact Lenses

Service Detail

What to expect

The Fitting

During the fitting, we will take precise corneal and pupil measurements and keratometry readings to assess astigmatism.

Then we will be able to determine which contact lenses will be best based on clarity and fit. We will take the time to teach you how to insert and care for your contact lenses correctly.

The Lenses

Now that we know everything about your eyes, it is time to choose your lenses. With advancements in contact lens technology and materials, there are several types to choose from.

The Trial Period

After fitting your contacts and answering all your questions, we will send you home with a few trial pairs. If you are not completely satisfied with your new contact lenses, we will try other brands and styles until we find the most comfortable fit.

Eyes that are open aren’t always seeing.
Book your eye exam today!